APS continues its proud tradition of leading the pavement preservation industry for the benefit of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

We would like to take a minute to recognize APS President Ken Messina and APS Director of Sales and Marketing Walter Percy IV on their recent accomplishments.
Last week both attended the annual Pennsylvania Association of Asphalt Materials Applicators (PAAMA) annual conference in Boalsburg PA. This year’s conference was a great success and well attended by representatives of PENNDOT. Newly appointed Director Rex Eberly, along with past President John Shutsa, and the Board of Directors, pulled together an excellent group of speakers from across the country. Excellent job to all involved and congrats to all elected to new positions.

During the 2023 Board of Directors Meeting, Ken Messina (current board member), was nominated and elected by the Board of Directors to serve as President of PAAMA for the 2024 year! At the General Membership Meeting Walter Percy IV (current Co-chair of the Preservation Overlay Committee) was nominated and elected to serve on the Board of Directors! Great job to you both!
We look forward to continuing to engage and educate agencies throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on Pavement Preservation and Asphalt Recycling.